List of Registered Participants

SPS3 b - The Virtual Observatory in Action: New Science, New Technology, and Next Generation Facilities


When is the registration CONFIRMED:
- registration form has been received, the status of an invited participant has been fixed, payment of the registration fee has been processed
When is the registration PENDING:
- registration form has been received, the status of an invited participant is open, payment of the registration fee has not been processed

Go to the Registration List in Total

all records | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

1. Valls-Gabaud David France
2. Van Citters G. Wayne USA
3. van der Hucht Karel A. Netherlands
4. Van der Hulst Thijs (J.M.) Netherlands
5. Van der Kruit Pieter Netherlands
6. Van der Walt Johan South Africa
7. van Woerden Hugo Netherlands
8. Varela Jesus Italy
9. Verdes-Montenegro Lourdes Spain
10. Verdoes Kleijn Gijs Netherlands
11. Vergani Daniela Italy
12. Vesperini Enrico USA
13. Vidojević Sonja Serbia, Rep of
14. Vilchez Jose M. Spain
15. Vittone Alberto Angelo Italy
16. Voges Wolfgang Germany
17. Vollmer Bernd France
18. Vrtilek Saeqa USA
